
00406  20100704  My Father’s Gift to Me 2




前篇談到紐約時報的專欄作家克里斯多夫 (Nicholas Kristof) ,於父親節那天刊出的文章: My Father’s Gift to Me (父親賜予我的禮物) ,描述他的父親如何逃離被蘇聯吞併的祖國,輾轉來到美國,如何自學英文,三十多歲重讀大學,乃至獲得芝加哥大學政治學博士,當上波特蘭州立大學教授。

克里斯多夫12歲時,父親應邀到他就讀的中學去演講,他既感驕傲,因他念的這所鄉下學校竟然有堂堂大學教授蒞臨 ,偏又為他父親濃重的斯拉夫口音感到難為情。長大以後他才領悟,父親的移民背景薪傳予他深厚的外來文化,賦與他一輩子取之不竭、用之不盡的禮物。他寫道: Reporting on poverty and absentee fathers has taught me what a gift fatherhood is: I know I won the lottery of life by having loving, caring parents. 長年報導貧窮及缺父單親家庭的窘境,使我深切瞭解「家有一父」是何等珍貴的重禮;我慈愛的雙親,是我一生搏得最大的彩頭。

讀大學時他將父親說過的一段話抄錄下來: “War, want and concentration camps, exile from home and homeland, these have made me hate strife among men, but they have not made me lose faith in the future of mankind. … If man has been able to create the arts, the sciences and the material civilization we know in America, why should he be judged powerless to create justice, fraternity and peace?” 意即:戰爭、對生命的渴望、集中營的痛苦日子以及逃亡的種種苦難,令我厭惡人與人間的鬥爭,但並未使我失去對人類未來的信心。如果在美國這塊土地上可以創造出種種科學、藝術及物質文明,誰能批判我們對發揚正義、仁愛與和平就無能為力呢?

克里斯多夫將這段文字貼在宿舍門上,時時用以鞭策自己,卻從未將這回事稟告給父親,總覺得有些掠人之美的不好意思,現在要說卻已太遲了,就連這篇文章他的父親也讀不到了,父親就在父親節的前幾天過世了,享年91歲。他說: I know that such a long and rich life is to be celebrated, not mourned.  I know that his values and outlook survive because they are woven into my fabric.  But my heart still aches terribly. 意指:我知道父親高壽且豐富的一生值得慶賀而無需悲傷,他對人生的價值觀及展望,已深織我心,但我仍心痛不已。

文章最後一段: So my message for Father’s Day is simple: Celebrate the bequest of fatherhood with something simpler, deeper and truer than an artificial verse on a store-bought card.  Speak and hug from your heart and soul – while there is still time. 我的父親節信息非常簡單,要珍惜「父兮」之福,宜趁著老爸還在的時候,發自內心地陪他說說話、抱抱他,比從店裡買張印好一段贊美辭的卡片,又簡單、又深刻、且真誠多了。




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